Zou de paus die butler ook gratie hebben verleend, wanneer hij homosexueel zou zijn geweest?
Ik ken de geaardheid van die butler niet, en vind het ook volstrekt irrelevant. Maar gezien de perverse uitspraak van diezelfde paus (uiteraard ingegeven door de al tientallen jaren achterhaalde opvattingen van de katholieke kerk), heb ik zo mijn twijfels over wat de paus zou doen.
hoor ik hier iemand die alleen de telegraaf (en de NOS) gelezen heeft?
In de toespraak die daar aangehaald wordt, is met geen woord gerept over homesexualiteit.
Benedictus spreekt over de maakbaarheid van de mens.
je gender, geslacht, wordt niet langer bepaalt door hoe je geboren wordt, maar meer door hoe de omgeving tegen je aankijkt. Hierdoor ga je zelf beslissen wat je jezelf ziet.
According to this philosophy, sex is no longer a given element of nature, that man has to accept and personally make sense of: it is a social role that we choose for ourselves, while in the past it was chosen for us by society. The profound falsehood of this theory and of the anthropological revolution contained within it is obvious. People dispute the idea that they have a nature, given by their bodily identity, that serves as a defining element of the human being. They deny their nature and decide that it is not something previously given to them, but that they make it for themselves. According to the biblical creation account, being created by God as male and female pertains to the essence of the human creature. This duality is an essential aspect of what being human is all about, as ordained by God. This very duality as something previously given is what is now disputed. The words of the creation account: “male and female he created them” (Gen 1:27) no longer apply. No, what applies now is this: it was not God who created them male and female – hitherto society did this, now we decide for ourselves.
Wat ik belangrijk vind in de toespraak van de paus is eerder dit:
When the freedom to be creative becomes the freedom to create oneself, then necessarily the Maker himself is denied and ultimately man too is stripped of his dignity as a creature of God, as the image of God at the core of his being. The defence of the family is about man himself. And it becomes clear that when God is denied, human dignity also disappears. Whoever defends God is defending man.
Zolang wij dus God in ons leven toelaten en accepteren, zijn wij onszelf met alle quirks enzo die God ons bij onze geboorte heeft meegegeven.
Ja, ik lees hieruit de liefde van God voor mij!
Voor de volledige toespraak: