Please Read This Carefully
An Iraqi made a fixed deposit of $6,500,000.00 Million United State Dollars in my bank branch and he died
with his entire family leaving behind no next of kin, am ready to share 50/50 with you if you choose to stand
as my deceased client next of kin.
Please if you are interested and willing to work as my partner to this transaction I advice you indicate by
sending the following below to show your interest.
1.Your full names
2.Your resident address
3.Youre Occupation
4.Your phone number
5.Date of birth
6.Country of resident
Your response with the requested information should be sent to reach me at my personal email address:
Email Contact: tangwngy,,, if only you are interested.
Yours Truly,
Tang Wong Yu
(kijk nou, een chinese iraqees, of een iraqese chinees, net wat je wil....)