NR. 1 Matthias "Suave" Van Rooy
Most comfortable in a tuxedo or gorgeous gown, you float across the room never taking your eyes off the prize. Mesmerized, they realize only too late that their wallet is missing, and worse yet, so is their heart.
Vital Gear
Includes a killer smile, open tab at the local watering hole and a smooth ride to take home your winnings
Nr. 2 Matthias "Thrilling" Van Rooy
There isn't a dare you won't take or a risk that you won't make to secure the prize. Much like a movie, your personal plots are always filled with thrills and decadence.
Vital Gear
Includes a cat suit for women, or a bomber jacket for men, complimented by a come hither glance.
Wow zeg, 2 verschillende, met dezelfde naam