Auteur Topic: [Survivor] Nieuws  (gelezen 119638 keer)

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Re: [Survivor] Nieuws
« Reactie #40 Gepost op: 13-11-2013, 10:21:18 »

Offline TheeZakje

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Re: [Survivor] Nieuws
« Reactie #41 Gepost op: 13-11-2013, 10:33:41 »
For real???

Offline Goyathlay

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Re: [Survivor] Nieuws
« Reactie #42 Gepost op: 15-11-2013, 18:06:02 »
Details on Todd Herzog’s rehab, how Survivor contributed to alcoholism, Dr. Phil appearance

Survivor China winner Todd Herzog is now in treatment for alcoholism following an appearance on Dr. Phil last week, which was essentially an intervention by his family, as he was not aware he was appearing on TV until confronted by cameras at home. I’ve learned details about his appearance from a member of the studio audience at last week’s taping. The episode will be broadcast sometime this month; a show publicist did not respond to a request for a specific broadcast date. Update: Based on promos, it looks like the episode will air next Tuesday, Nov. 19.

First, though, Survivor cast member Mike Skupin posted a note on Facebook he says was written by Todd from treatment:

“To all of those sending support and love to me, thank you! I am currently in treatment and doing fantastic and look forward to a healthy and sober life when I leave. This is the only time I will have access to the internet or phone for a while, but I am receiving and reading all of the emails sent to me. I am unable to respond but will read all! If you’d like to send a message you can at Thank you again and I’ll update you in a few weeks. Much love, Todd”

As the domain on the e.mail makes clear, and as an audience member confirmed to me, Todd is in a residential treatment facility in Austin, Texas, that advertises itself as a “proud addiction treatment provider for Dr. Phil.”

Cast member Coby Archa posted a note of support on Facebook Facebook that also answered a question that some had: “Spencer and Todd have broken up. And Todd is in a very sad rabbit hole of addiction and darkness with alcohol.’

Here are details about what happened during the Dr. Phil episode taping that an audience member shared with me. These things may or may not end up on the edited version of the episode, of course:

•Todd was trying to detox on his own, having not had success with rehab facilities; however, doing that on his own in the past resulted in seizures. His family appeared on the show first, and talked to him on the phone, and because of his current attempt at self-detox—which can be fatal—family members and addiction specialists ended up rushing to give him a bit of alcohol, in order to step him down.
•Todd let addiction specialists and the show’s cameras in, but previously was not aware that his family had sought Dr. Phil’s help for an intervention.
•In the studio, around 11 a.m., he blew around a 2.5, perhaps 2.6, when his blood alcohol level was tested. It was also revealed that he’d had a 5.5 BAL when he was last hospitalized. The audience member said that those who think he’s faking are “inhuman and cruel” because he was so clearly intoxicated.
•He’d also had blood in his feces and his organs were failing, so his death was truly imminent. He was drinking about two bottles of liquor a day.
•Todd was concerned about getting to a red-carpet Survivor event in December he was invited to—likely the finale for Survivor Blood vs. Water—and that’s why he wanted to get sober. Later, he kept insisting he needed to be out of treatment by Nov. 22 for the release of the second Hunger Games movie. Dr. Phil told him rehab would last at least 90 days.
•However, he agreed to go to rehab, and went there directly from the set; the audience member said that when first confronted, he insisted to his family he wouldn’t go to rehab again, but the audience member was convinced that being on TV—the attention he was getting, which he responded to in part by being funny even in his intoxicated state—helped convince him to go.
•Another Survivor cast member was in the audience and identified as a friend of Todd’s; the audience member, who wasn’t familiar with the show’s cast, thinks the person was Sandra Diaz-Twine, who won both Survivor Pearl Islands and Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains.
•Todd said that he didn’t abuse alcohol until after Survivor, when he started drinking heavily because he took advantage of the free alcohol available at cast events.
"I was born on the prairies where the wind blew free and there was nothing to break the light of the sun. I was born where there were no enclosures."

Offline Goyathlay

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Re: [Survivor] Nieuws
« Reactie #43 Gepost op: 13-12-2013, 22:37:32 »
CBS orders 29 & 30th editions of groundbreaking reality show

The doyen of reality competition series, CBS’ Survivor, is turning 30. CBS has ordered two more editions of television’s longest running reality competition series for the 2014-2015 season, its 29th and 30th. Five-time Emmy winner Jeff Probst, who has been with the franchise since the very beginning, has signed a new deal to continue as host and executive producer. For creator/executive producer Mark Burnett, Survivor always has had a special meaning as it catapulted him to the top ranks of reality producers.”It’s more than a show, it’s part of the fabric of who are we as a family,” he said, noting that “my children have  grown up with the show and don’t remember life before Survivor.” It is a big week for the prolific producer who is delivering 12 hours of original programming on the broadcast networks starting with NBC’s The Voice on Monday and culminating with the two-hour Survivor: Blood vs. Water finale on Sunday, followed by a live reunion show hosted by Probst. (The list includes The Voice on Monday and Tuesday, Survivor on Wednesday and Sunday, The Sing-Off on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday and Shark Tank on Friday.) Probst called Survivor “the best job I’ve ever had and probably the greatest career opportunity I’ll ever have.” Survivor‘s solid ratings performance after 14 years on the air is not lost on him. “If a new show came out and had the ratings we had this season, it would be considered a hit,” Probst said. “To be in that place in Season 27 is pretty phenomenal.” The current Blood vs. Water cycle of Survivor wins its Wednesday 8 PM time period in all key ratings measures, averaging 11.29 million viewers and 3.1/09 in adults 18-49 and ranking as the #2 reality series on broadcast television in adults 18-49. Before relocating to Wednesday, Survivor spearheaded CBS’ Thursday night takeover as a long-time 8 PM anchor where it also helped grow lead-out CSI into a billion-dollar franchise. “Survivor is a groundbreaking show that changed the TV landscape and helped usher in a new era of ratings dominance for the network,” CBS entertainment president Nina Tassler said.
"I was born on the prairies where the wind blew free and there was nothing to break the light of the sun. I was born where there were no enclosures."

Offline Jann

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Re: [Survivor] Nieuws
« Reactie #44 Gepost op: 13-12-2013, 23:22:38 »
Toch vreemd dat 11 miljoen op ruim 300 miljoen Amerikanen als veel wordt gezien. In dit minilandje van ons krijgt een goed programma al 3 miljoen kijkers. Zijn wij dan zo tv-verslaafd of ziet de helft van Amerika de tv nog als een duivels apparaat?

Of ligt het aan de duizend kanalen waaruit ze kunnen kiezen?
Hier kan uw boodschap komen te staan. Geïnteresseerd? Neem dan snel contact op en bereik een miljoenenpubliek (5 cent per pm)

Offline Vieffan

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Re: [Survivor] Nieuws
« Reactie #45 Gepost op: 14-12-2013, 01:28:34 »
Ik weet niet waar zij hun ratings vandaag halen maar volgens mijn gegevens heeft survivor dit jaar gemiddeld 2.5 A18-49 gehad en 9.72 million viewers.

Offline Goyathlay

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Re: [Survivor] Nieuws
« Reactie #46 Gepost op: 14-12-2013, 11:25:45 »
Toch vreemd dat 11 miljoen op ruim 300 miljoen Amerikanen als veel wordt gezien. In dit minilandje van ons krijgt een goed programma al 3 miljoen kijkers. Zijn wij dan zo tv-verslaafd of ziet de helft van Amerika de tv nog als een duivels apparaat?

Of ligt het aan de duizend kanalen waaruit ze kunnen kiezen?

Ik vermoed een combinatie van factoren zoals de veel ruimere kanaalkeuze, de veelheid aan televisieprogramma's die verschijnen en verdwijnen (ze krijgen amper opstarttijd en moeten direct cashen) en andere kijkpatronen (internet, DVR, VOD). In vergelijking met de kijkcijfers van populaire shows als M*A*S*H, Seinfeld en Friends stellen de kijkcijfers van de huidige hitshows echter weinig voor. In Nederland zijn er daarentegen slechts enkele zenders die met elkaar concurreren en daardoor is het programma-aanbod nogal beperkt. De kijkers zijn hier daarnaast waarschijnlijk veel traditioneler, er zijn nog steeds legio huisvrouwen die de televisie standaard op RTL4 zetten ongeacht wat er die avond op de buis verschijnt.
"I was born on the prairies where the wind blew free and there was nothing to break the light of the sun. I was born where there were no enclosures."

Offline Goyathlay

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Re: [Survivor] Nieuws
« Reactie #47 Gepost op: 14-12-2013, 11:30:57 »
Ik weet niet waar zij hun ratings vandaag halen maar volgens mijn gegevens heeft survivor dit jaar gemiddeld 2.5 A18-49 gehad en 9.72 million viewers.

Ik heb geen idee waar de cijfers in het bericht vandaan komen maar ze kloppen inderdaad niet, ik las dat de aflevering "Rustle Feathers" met 10.6 miljoen kijkers tot nu toe de best bekeken aflevering van dit seizoen is.
"I was born on the prairies where the wind blew free and there was nothing to break the light of the sun. I was born where there were no enclosures."

Offline Vieffan

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Re: [Survivor] Nieuws
« Reactie #48 Gepost op: 14-12-2013, 11:51:51 »
Dat klopt inderdaad. Neemt trouwens niet weg dat het niet veel kijkers zijn. CBS is het grootste broadcast network van amerika, die 4 anderen komen vrijwel nooit aan dit soort cijfers. Neetm niet weg dat bv The Big Bang Theory gemiddeld 17.8 million viewers had dit seizoen. Dat zijn pas grote cijfers :P

Offline Molbelg

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Re: [Survivor] Nieuws
« Reactie #49 Gepost op: 28-12-2013, 12:00:50 »
Op welke sites zien jullie al deze series want ik vind enkel 20 en 27...

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Re: [Survivor] Nieuws
« Reactie #50 Gepost op: 28-12-2013, 12:02:07 »
And if there is a God they'll know why it's so hard,to be human

Offline Molbelg

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Re: [Survivor] Nieuws
« Reactie #51 Gepost op: 28-12-2013, 12:20:15 »

Offline Jann

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Re: [Survivor] Nieuws
« Reactie #53 Gepost op: 25-06-2014, 16:24:55 »
Hier kan uw boodschap komen te staan. Geïnteresseerd? Neem dan snel contact op en bereik een miljoenenpubliek (5 cent per pm)

Offline Vieffan

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Re: [Survivor] Nieuws
« Reactie #54 Gepost op: 25-06-2014, 18:58:07 »
:( Verschrikkelijk nieuws

Offline RoyL

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Re: [Survivor] Nieuws
« Reactie #55 Gepost op: 25-06-2014, 22:47:15 »
Las het vanmorgen op Facebook. Verschrikkelijk...  :(

Offline Miek1999

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Re: [Survivor] Nieuws
« Reactie #57 Gepost op: 4-12-2016, 12:48:02 »
Zo jammer :(, hij is echt één van mijn favoriete winnaars en ook één van de personen waar ik zelf me het meeste mee indentificeer van de show. Eigenlijk heeft het winnen van Survivor hem alleen maar slecht gedaan....
And if there is a God they'll know why it's so hard,to be human

Offline wouterv

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Re: [Survivor] Nieuws
« Reactie #58 Gepost op: 27-12-2016, 11:39:04 »
Een interessant artikel gelezen over Neal Gottlieb (S32)
klaar voor de strijd

Offline wouterv

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Re: [Survivor] Nieuws
« Reactie #59 Gepost op: 4-01-2017, 08:02:36 »

Survivordeelnemer Dan Kay (S17 in Gabon) is onverwachts overleden.
klaar voor de strijd