Auteur Topic: Spy name  (gelezen 2756 keer)

Offline Tijgertje

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Spy name
« Gepost op: 12-04-2004, 23:07:55 »
klik hier voor jou spyname

Mijn middlename is:

Ever one to know the rules of polite society, you are always there to open the door, every ready with a handkerchief in sad movies, or providing a coat if your date is cold. Friends and associates think you charming and unbelievably smooth.

Vital Gear

Includes a black trench coat, umbrella, breath mints and a genuine smile.

« Laatst bewerkt op: 12-04-2004, 23:10:46 door Tijgertje »
Nu te huur in Zeeland: Strandstoelen! Slechts €3,00 per dag.

Offline Lindå

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Re: Spy name
« Reactie #1 Gepost op: 12-04-2004, 23:53:48 »

You invented the word 'adventure' as you have traveled the globe seeking, action and romance. Finding both in abundance, there isn't a secret tomb or ancient secret that you haven't unlocked.

Vital Gear
Includes a map of exotic locals, trusted guide and reservations at the closest Four Seasons.
Wat t ook was, t lag gewoon niet aan mn toestand

Offline idefix

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Re: Spy name
« Reactie #2 Gepost op: 13-04-2004, 07:48:01 »

Drawn to extreme sports, adventure and any other type of death defying stunts, you are the first in line to try the latest thrill. Whether it's bungee jumping in New Zealand and snowboarding in the Alps, you are ready for anything!

Vital Gear
Includes a first-aid kit, Gatorade and multi-pocketed cargo pants.

we're back :(

Offline elise is de mol

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Re: Spy name
« Reactie #3 Gepost op: 13-04-2004, 14:55:47 »

Social graces are your cup of tea and no one plays a better game of Risk. You are invited to all the upper echelon parties and know whose side to be on before all the votes are counted.

Vital Gear
Includes bribe money, an impressive gown or tuxedo and connections in the kitchen to get you out the back way.
"Fear of a name only increases fear of the thing itself." "Je jure solennellement que mes intentions sont mauvaises."

Offline Dorine

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Re: Spy name
« Reactie #4 Gepost op: 13-04-2004, 15:34:44 »
Dorine "Dashing"

You save the innocent victim with such a flair that they almost forget to get out of the line of fire as they are mesmerized by your performance. Enemies try to bring you low, but you will have none of that! Not when the music is swelling and there is a perfectly good chandelier to swing from!

Vital Gear
Includes a cape that swirls around you when you dance, pearl white teeth for heart-stopping smiles and a clean white shirt for all occasions.

Mijn prinsje is chriz!!

Offline Grace

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Re: Spy name
« Reactie #5 Gepost op: 13-04-2004, 21:18:47 »

Things just happen when you are around, whether its high speed car chases, hanging from precarious ledges, jumping from waterfalls and dancing a mean tango.

Vital Gear

Includes shoes that are comfortable to run and dance in, a hot getaway car and a change of clothes.

Met mijn nick:


Never one to shrink in the face of overwhelming obstacles such as a roomful of evil Agents, you choose instead to take the chandelier and outsmart the bad guys!

Vital Gear

Includes a hot car or motorcycle for daring getaways and high-speed chases and death defying stunts in the air.

« Laatst bewerkt op: 13-04-2004, 21:26:30 door Grace »
That's all

Offline Annuh

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Re: Spy name
« Reactie #6 Gepost op: 13-04-2004, 21:46:36 »

Never one to shrink from calamity, you emerge from the crowd and place yourself in danger to protect others. It's never for the glory, you just happen to be in the right place at the right time and take charge of the situation.

Vital Gear
Includes everyday clothes, willingness to help others and survival skills.

Held he... altijd al geweten ::) :P .

Offline Molcrazy

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Re: Spy name
« Reactie #7 Gepost op: 18-04-2004, 13:46:44 »
Molcrazy "Thrilling"

There isn't a dare you won't take or a risk that you won't make to secure the prize. Much like a movie, your personal plots are always filled with thrills and decadence.

Vital Gear
Includes a cat suit for women, or a bomber jacket for men, complimented by a come hither glance.
Gabriël is de Mol

Offline Eck

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Re: Spy name
« Reactie #8 Gepost op: 14-11-2004, 13:35:01 »
ik ben dit ::tandpastasmiley:::

Ever one to know the rules of polite society, you are always there to open the door, every ready with a handkerchief in sad movies, or providing a coat if your date is cold. Friends and associates think you charming and unbelievably smooth.

Vital Gear
Includes a black trench coat, umbrella, breath mints and a genuine smile.

Offline Eck

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Re: Spy name
« Reactie #9 Gepost op: 14-11-2004, 13:35:59 »
en nu dit:


Never one to shrink in the face of overwhelming obstacles such as a roomful of evil Agents, you choose instead to take the chandelier and outsmart the bad guys!

Offline Petrick

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Re: Spy name
« Reactie #10 Gepost op: 14-11-2004, 18:41:10 »
NR. 1 Matthias "Suave" Van Rooy

Most comfortable in a tuxedo or gorgeous gown, you float across the room never taking your eyes off the prize. Mesmerized, they realize only too late that their wallet is missing, and worse yet, so is their heart.

Vital Gear
Includes a killer smile, open tab at the local watering hole and a smooth ride to take home your winnings

Nr. 2 Matthias "Thrilling" Van Rooy

There isn't a dare you won't take or a risk that you won't make to secure the prize. Much like a movie, your personal plots are always filled with thrills and decadence.

Vital Gear
Includes a cat suit for women, or a bomber jacket for men, complimented by a come hither glance.

Wow zeg, 2 verschillende, met dezelfde naam  :P
Run, run, as fast as you can... shotgun in the hand... it's the Gingerbread Man!

Offline Nelisje

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Re: Spy name
« Reactie #11 Gepost op: 14-11-2004, 19:01:05 »

There isn't a dare you won't take or a risk that you won't make to secure the prize. Much like a movie, your personal plots are always filled with thrills and decadence.

Vital Gear
Includes a cat suit for women, or a bomber jacket for men, complimented by a come hither glance
Angel of the first degree

Offline Beaudelaire

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Re: Spy name
« Reactie #12 Gepost op: 26-02-2005, 13:01:37 »
Martijn "Dashing" Van veen

You save the innocent victim with such a flair that they almost forget to get out of the line of fire as they are mesmerized by your performance. Enemies try to bring you low, but you will have none of that! Not when the music is swelling and there is a perfectly good chandelier to swing from!

Vital Gear
Includes a cape that swirls around you when you dance, pearl white teeth for heart-stopping smiles and a clean white shirt for all occasions

Offline Eurik

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Re: Spy name
« Reactie #13 Gepost op: 26-02-2005, 17:18:38 »

You have eluded capture, killed the assassin, reclaimed the family jewels and are now confronted with 100 armed men and no visible means of escape. Are you kidding? You live for these scenarios and always manage to escape.

Vital Gear
Includes a loyal sidekick to help you escape, crazy glue, and making sure the bad guys attack one at a time.

Offline Eefjuhh

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Re: Spy name
« Reactie #14 Gepost op: 27-02-2005, 09:05:28 »

There is always time for a rendezvous and you are never one to pass up a romantic opportunity if presented. Sometimes this gets in the way of your mission, but hey baby you have to keep things in perspective!

Vital Gear
Includes a martini, velvet lounging robe and rotating bed.

Offline Rie

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Re: Spy name
« Reactie #15 Gepost op: 7-03-2005, 20:57:07 »

There isn't a situation you ever find uncomfortable as you are a chameleon and mold your identity around your surroundings. You stalk your prey without hesitation, mistake or second guesses and they can feel you on their heels.

Vital Gear
Includes non-descript clothing, sunglasses and various wireless devices.

Offline -Jutta-

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Re: Spy name
« Reactie #16 Gepost op: 7-04-2005, 21:25:24 »
Widm- "Intrigue" Jutta

Social graces are your cup of tea and no one plays a better game of Risk. You are invited to all the upper echelon parties and know whose side to be on before all the votes are counted.

Vital Gear
Includes bribe money, an impressive gown or tuxedo and connections in the kitchen to get you out the back way.
En opeens weet je het... Je stemt op Jutta

Offline juudith

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Re: Spy name
« Reactie #17 Gepost op: 7-04-2005, 21:37:34 »
Judith "Suave" De ruiter

Most comfortable in a tuxedo or gorgeous gown, you float across the room never taking your eyes off the prize. Mesmerized, they realize only too late that their wallet is missing, and worse yet, so is their heart.

Vital Gear
Includes a killer smile, open tab at the local watering hole and a smooth ride to take home your winnings.

Offline JvB

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Re: Spy name
« Reactie #18 Gepost op: 7-04-2005, 21:53:48 »
Joeri "Courageous" van Breukelen

You are more than a hero/heroine. You are an inspiration to your friends and a respected rival to your worst enemy. You take the big risks to protect your friends, family and country. Not many can walk in your shoes.

Vital Gear
Includes an item of clothing with your country's flag on it, picture of a loved one in wallet and strength of spirit.

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