Kid Nation seizoen 1 [2007/2008]
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Wat is Kid Nation?
40 kinderen, 40 dagen, 1 dagboek, 1 samenleving
![]() Kid Nation In Kid Nation strijken veertig kinderen (de jongsten 8, de oudste 15) neer in de omgeving van de Bonanza Creek Movie Ranch, New Mexico, voor het avontuur van hun leven. Zónder hulp van volwassenen moeten ze een volledig functionerende samenleving ontwikkelen op de fundamenten van Bonanza City, een oude spookstad. Ze worden hierbij geholpen door een dagboek. Dit dagboek beschrijft de problemen waar de stichters van het vroegere Bonanza tegen aanliepen. Ook bevat het boek oplossingen… die voor de kinderen niet altijd even prettig zijn. Het spelverloop Vier van de veertig kinderen vormen de dorpsraad en zullen belangrijke beslissingen moeten nemen tijdens het spel. De veertig kinderen worden verdeeld in vier districten. Elk dorpsraadlid leidt een district. Elke aflevering wordt er een ‘Showdown’ gespeeld, een uitdaging tussen de vier districten. Als alle districten de Showdown binnen een bepaalde tijd afronden, worden ze beloond met twee prijzen. Ze mogen er echter maar één hebben. De dorpsraad kiest.. en die keuze is vaak ontzettend moeilijk. De plaats waarop elk district eindigt in de Showdown is van invloed op het werk wat het betreffende district de komende drie dagen moet verrichten, en het salaris dat daar bij hoort. De eerste plaats is voor de hogere klasse, ze ontvangen $1,00 en hoeven geen werk te doen. De handelaren zijn de districtleden die tweede worden, hebben de leiding over de verschillende winkels in Bonanza City en ontvangen $0,50. De derde plaats zijn de koks, verantwoordelijk voor het koken, afwassen en schoonhouden van de keuken. De koks verdienen $0,25. De laatste plek wordt ingenomen door de arbeiders, wat zoveel wil zeggen als water halen van een ver gelegen waterpomp, schoonmaken van de toiletten en het doen van de was. Hiervoor krijgen ze $0,10. Hoewel elk district de toegewezen taken dient uit te voeren, staan er geen sancties op het niet uitvoeren van deze taken en staat het de kinderen vrij om hun taak niet uit te voeren. De dorpsraad heeft hierin de verantwoordelijkheid. Elke drie dagen (1 aflevering) wordt er een dorpsbijeenkomst gehouden. Er wordt teruggeblikt naar de afgelopen drie dagen en ook mogen de kinderen kiezen om te blijven of Bonanza te verlaten en terug te gaan naar de ouders. Daarnaast wordt een Gouden Ster uitgereikt aan het kind dat zich de afgelopen drie dagen in de ogen van de dorpsraad het beste in heeft gezet voor het dorp en de samenleving. Dit alles wordt geleidt door presentator Jonathan Karsh in een reeks van 11 afleveringen. |
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De Kids van Kid Nation!
![]() Alex, 9 jaar. If you could switch places with one person, who would it be and why? "It would be someone in high school so that I could study more advanced subjects." |
![]() Anjay, 12 jaar. Who have been some of the worst U.S. presidents, and why? "The US president that comes to mind, due to recent events, is George W. Bush, because I don't agree with the way he is handling the Iraq war." |
![]() Blaine, 14 jaar. Should kids be allowed to vote? "No, we don't know the importance of what adults are voting for because we don't have enough life experience yet." |
![]() Brett, 11 jaar. How would you change the world? "I would start with making the world more environmentally safe. I think the pollution is not only changing our physical world, but it’s making people and animals emotionally sick." |
![]() Campbell, 10 jaar. What have you learned about power? "I have learned that sometimes power is good and sometimes it can be bad." |
![]() Cody, 9 jaar. Where do you see yourself in 10 years? "Finishing college and getting on with my life as a police officer." |
![]() Colton, 11 jaar. What others would be surprised to learn about me? "That I am sensitive." |
![]() Divad, 11 jaar. If you had the power to change one or two things about our country right now, what would it be? "I would make medical treatments affordable for everyone." |
![]() DK, 14 jaar. Do you believe global warming is a fact or a myth? If you think it is a fact, what would you do about it if you were in charge? "I would take as many steps as were required to prevent it." |
![]() Emilie, 9 jaar. Role Model/Hero? "My heroes are my parents because they do everything for me." |
![]() Eric, 14 jaar. How would you change your neighborhood? "I would keep it simple. Treat your neighbor as you would want your neighbor to treat you." |
![]() Gianna, 10 jaar. What three things would you like to shout out on your page? "I love pie! I. m a chocoholic! I. m an animal enthusiast! And if I could say one more thing, I would say I love my family!" |
![]() Greg, 15 jaar. What world leader do you admire? "My mom! She may not be president but she is making a difference in the world and my life everyday." |
![]() Guylan, 11 jaar. If you could put into place one law that pertains to kids in our country, what would it be? "If there were one law that I could put into place it would be for kids 9 and up to have the right to vote." |
![]() Hunter, 12 jaar. If you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be and why? "I would like to visit Antarctica to see the Emperor penguins in their natural habitat." |
![]() Jared, 11 jaar. What would you do if you won the lottery? "I would pay taxes first and then buy some coins. After that I would put some money aside and then I would give some to charity." |
![]() Jasmine, 11 jaar. If you could switch places with one person, who would it be and why? "No one. I love the people that are in my life and I would not want to change that." |
![]() Jimmy, 8 jaar. When you become an adult, what do you think will be the biggest problem facing our nation and/or world? "Alien Attack! Or more species of animals will become extinct." |
![]() Kelsey, 11 jaar. What do you want to be when you grow up? "I want to become a financial advisor at Wall Street, earning a lot of money, having a great family, and lifelong friends." |
![]() Kennedy, 12 jaar. Who are your best friends? "Andrea, Emily, Jessica, Sravya, Sydney, Haley, Kelsey, Clare, Ellie, Abbie, Sarah, Juliana, and my heroes, Tom Forman and Jonathan Karsh!" |
![]() Laurel, 12 jaar. What would people be surprised to learn about you? "That I am a worrier. I think I sometimes seem pretty carefree but under it all, I'm a worrier." |
![]() Leila, 9 jaar. Why are some people rich and others poor? "I think that some people are rich because they get a good education and then get good jobs. Poor people are usually not educated and do not have good paying jobs." |
![]() Madison, 11 jaar. How would you change the world? "By helping others become better people, by caring more for others, I guess..." |
![]() Maggie, 14 jaar. Who have been some of the worst U.S. presidents, and why? "George W. Bush and senior President Bush. I don't have to explain why." |
![]() Mallory, 8 jaar. If you could put into place one law that pertains to kids in our country, what would it be? "I would make a law that all the kids would be kind to each other, even if they are different." |
![]() Markelle, 12 jaar. What have you learned about power? "If you want it, get it. If you get it, keep it." |
![]() Michael, 15 jaar. If you could put into place one law that pertains to kids in our country, what would it be? "Universal health care for all kids." |
![]() Migle, 13 jaar. What do you want to be when you grow up? "An actress, and if that doesn't work out, then I want to be a lawyer." |
![]() Mike, 11 jaar. What have you learned about power? "Use it carefully! Don't get too power hungry!" |
![]() Morgan, 12 jaar. What would people be surprised to learn about you? "I'm not a big fan of shopping. I just started to like it this year. Isn't that crazy?" |
![]() Natasha, 13 jaar. Where do you see yourself in 10 years? "In ten years, I see myself having fun, with a descent job, living on my own out in the world, enjoying life." |
![]() Nathan, 11 jaar. Do you belong to any organizations or clubs? "I sing in a choir." |
![]() Olivia, 12 jaar. What would you do if you won the lottery? "Depends on how much money we are talkin'." |
![]() Pharaoh, 12 jaar. Do you believe global warming is a fact or a myth? If you think it is a fact, what would you do about it if you were in charge? "It's a fact, because I watch it and see it happening." |
![]() Randi, 12 jaar. If you could put into place one law that pertains to kids in our country, what would it be? "That God would be put more in our school system than more put out." |
![]() Savannah, 10 jaar. What is your favorite quote? "Lead, follow, or get out of the way." |
![]() Sophia, 14 jaar. What makes a good leader? "A good leader looks beyond himself." |
![]() Sophie, 10 jaar. Is it possible for a 9-year-old to make a better leader than a 14-year-old? How so, or why not? "Definitely. Look at Alex from Bonanza… He's smarter than a teenager by far." |
![]() Taylor, 10 jaar. What would people be surprised to learn about you? "That I can out burp my daddy as little as I am." |
![]() Zach, 10 jaar. What have you learned about power? "With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility." |
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